Ann Shacar
RMT, Life Coach, Trainer

My mission, To empower individuals to live their life purpose. 

Why? Because only when we are living our purpose are we able to understand true Joy. 

I have been working with the Laws of the Universe since I was in my early 20's, a Reiki practitioner for 25 yrs, and Business owner for as long as I can remember. I have combined my years of experience working within the business world, employee management and staff development with Reiki & the Laws of the Universe. 

Combined I have found profound ways to self empowerment, that I bring to individuals and companies.

When individuals find their power, they create wonderful lives.

When employees find their power combined with the mission of the business, the company thrives. This is not only win/win, it is a triple win, for individuals, companies & communities.

I look forward to working with you.


Ann Shacar RMT, IETMT, UEC