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Spring Happenings
April 22, 2024
Happy Spring

Happy Spring and Happy Earth Day

Quite an eventful year so Far with all the energy of 2024, and April has been quite bountiful with energy opportunities. With the Full Moon tomorrow, and the end of Mercury Retrograde now is the time to Take Action!!!

Classes are being offered both Online and in-Person, Pittsfield, Ma. If this is the time for you to take that next step in your practice, see the website for more info.

If you are looking at starting your own practice and need some Intuitive business guidance, then Click here

I have had the pleasure of offering Chakra Balancing sessions lately, and with some Great reviews. One client told me "she had better results after her first energy session than she did with years of therapy." Now that Thrilled me, yes after 25 years of working with Universal energy I still get a chill when clients see what Energy work can do for them.

Contact Ann to Get Balanced

Mediumship sessions. As a reminder I am available for Readings. There are a few types of readings and I have received some questions lately on what the difference is.

First there is a difference between a Medium reading and a Psychic reading. A Medium is able to convey messages from the "other side" from Spirit. I am most grateful when I am able to bring forth clients loved ones messages, To offer some comfort.

A Psychic reading is when the energy around you is read. This is when you ask questions, like should I quit my job, when will I meet my partner, etc. This can be done in a few ways cards, runes, or just reading your energy and Aura.

As most Medium / Psychic will tell you, a Medium is Psychic as well, though a Psychic is not a Medium.

To schedule a session for either reading... Contact Ann

Seriously you will not be disappointed, I guarantee it.

Peace Ann

PS.. Please feel free to forward this email to anyone you feel would benefit from a little Self-Care.

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